It's that time of year again. Time for the Hubster and I to pull out the holiday decorations. As always, there is one special decoration, I look forward each year to putting up-the Santy Clause Wreath. Here's the story:
     Years ago when the Hubster and I first moved to the neighborhood and were the young couple on the block, our older neighbors had a unique way of decorating for Autumn. One neighbor proudly displayed Democrat candidates' signs in his front yard for the upcoming election. Not to be outdone, the neighbor next door would put up Republican candidates' signs running for office. The Hubster and I smirked at their competitive nature.
     However, our neighbors across the street, Marsh and Anna, would start putting up Christmas decorations. Keep in mind, it is October. Marsh would be outside on a ladder, putting up Christmas lights, reindeers, and stars. Anna would stand next to the ladder, with a tape measure in hand, giving Marsh instructions on how to get the lights evenly strung. All the while, Marsh would be grumbling with inappropriate language for this blog. One year, I offered to play Christmas music while he decorated. Marsh told me to "get lost!"
     You see Marsh was not in favor of decorating at all, but he loved his wife and would succumb to Anna's holiday spirit, even if it did start before Halloween. But decorating did not end there in October. More decorations would be added as the days that lead up to Christmas, with the lights always  turned on the first Sunday in December. And I am sure, after each addition, Marsh celebrated with some Rye Whiskey for a task well done. He drank it straight.
     It was our first Christmas in our new home when the Hubster and I laid eyes on the Santy Claus Wreath. The wreath was always put out just before Christmas. We think it was due to the paper mache' Santa Claus head adorning the center of the wreath. We thought it was something special and so must have the Gazette that year, putting a picture of it on the front page for Christmas Eve.
     The years passed and the eclectic traditions of our older neighbors continued, until they didn't! When Anna passed, Marsh no longer decorated for the holidays. Without his Anna telling him how to put up Christmas lights, there were no more Christmas lights, no more Gold Reindeer, Candy Canes, Stars, and Angels. No More Santy Claus!
     We did our best to be there for Marsh, always inviting him to join us, as did other folks. But Marsh
usually declined or would come for a short period of time. It was during these visits he would say that we should come over and go through the Christmas decorations and choose something. We did not act upon this invitation, sensing Marsh was not ready to part with Anna's Christmas treasures. Until one day out of the blue, Marsh called us and said we needed to come over and pick out a Christmas decoration.
     We knew immediately what our choice would be. It took a lot of looking, but there was our soon to be treasure, a box clearly marked in Anna's handwriting,-Santy Claus. Inside the box was the wreath, we had admired so many years ago.
     All of our older neighbors have passed. While we still live in this special neighborhood, the difference now is that the Hubster and I are the older couple on the block. Each year, I get out the Santy Claus Wreath and hang it on a door in the house. The wreath is now too fragile to withstand the harsh Wisconsin December days. Our adult children smirk when they see my favorite Christmas decoration.
     Yes, I realize the Santy Claus Wreath is a tad over the top, but to me it is a lovely reminder of dear neighbors, when Christmas decorating began in October. After all, the Holidays are a perfect time to remember loved ones. Guess, I  get a bit  nostalgic. And so we come to the part of the blog where I give you dear reader some inspirational or witty quote. Instead, the Hubster and I raise a glass of Rye Whiskey (ours is heavily diluted with ginger ale) and say,  "Love Your Neighbor!"
A toast to neighbors-the Marsh way!
Merry Christmas!
Until Next Year,

Minnie & The Hubster


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